Focus Ring – Cell Phone vs Digital Camera Photography


Thursday Oct 24, 2024    
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Zoom Meeting

Event Type

Members are invited to share up to 2 pairs of photos for comparison and discussion regarding the quality, flexibility, and functionality of cell phone and digital camera photography. Our discussion will include, but not be limited to how much control we have over each device’s settings, post processing, and final image quality.  Be prepared to share your make and model of both your phone and digital camera and the settings for each image. To submit your images do the following:

  • Using the “Upload Images” feature under the members only tab, click on the “focus ring” button to submit up to two pairs of images.
  • If possible, change the file name to indicate which is your cell phone photo and which is the digital camera. For example, LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_CELL and LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_CAMERA
  • Subject should read: Cell Phone
  • Each pair should consist of a cell phone photo and a photo taken with a DSLR/Mirrorless camera.
  • These photos should be as close to the same subject and composition as possible.
  • Photos are DUE BY OCTOBER 18TH 

You do not need to submit photos to participate! See you there!!

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